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All-Natural Healing Skin Salve Tutorial


Today, we are making my All-Natural Herbal Skin Salve.  If you attended my Titus 2 Meeting: The Natural Home Spa, you already know how to do this.  But in case you don't, or if you need a refresher course, jump on board with me.

First, let me introduce my salve, or you might not know what a great idea it is to make this stuff.  For many years I battled bad skin.  Everything seemed to break me out.  I finally narrowed it down to four culprits -- Lack of rest, lack of adequate water, hormones (gotta love 'em), and the products I was using on my skin.  As long as I keep these four areas in balance, my skin looks great.

I have to admit that I am pretty bad about getting enough rest, and sometimes I get busy and forget to drink my water.  Hormones are hormones.  But this last one -- now that one, I can be pretty consistent with.  I took a look at what was in my make-up and skin care and was appalled.  Go ahead, have a gander at the ingredient list on your products.  Be brave.  I'll wait right here.

Frightening, huh?  Do we even know what that stuff is?  Statistically, less than half the chemicals used in most homes have even been tested for their effects on humans.  No wonder my skin was messed up.  I began looking for natural alternatives.  First, I switched to all-natural mineral make-up.  (I buy mine here.)  Then, over time,  I learned to make my own all-natural skin care line.  My skin is happy, and that makes me happy.  Over the next few weeks I will show you how I do it.

What You Will Need:
This recipe is very flexible.  Do some research to find the oils that you like.  You can infuse them with herbs, or not.  It's totally up to you.

2 or 3 Jars (Low, wide mouth ones are best.  You will need to be able to reach the bottom with your fingers.)
A Non-Reactive Pot (I use stainless steel.)
1 Cup Oil of Choice (I used a combination of Grape Seed, Olive and Coconut Oils infused with herbs.  A Tutorial on making herb-infused oils can be found here.)
4 Tbsp Beeswax Granules (I get mine here.)
About 20 drops Lavender Essential Oil (not fragrance oil!)
About 10 Drops Tea Tree Oil
About 2 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract
2 capsules each Bee Propolis and/or Vitamin E (optional) just open the capsules and squeeze them in when it's time

                                (I get my Essential Oils and Extracts from here.)

How to Make the Salve:

If you are using herb-infused oils, you will need to strain out the herbs.  If you squeeze them after they drain, you will get out much more of the oil.  If you don't have herb-infused oils, no problem.  For now, you can just use plain oils, which is how I started out.  I chose the following oils:

     Olive Oil -- draws in external moisture to the skin while allowing normal functions like sweating, shedding of dead skin, and the release of sebum.  It also has antioxidant properties that elevate skin health.
     Coconut Oil -- promotes the healing of rashes and abrasions.  It is especially effective for rashes caused by underlying yeast problems such as eczema.  It has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
     Grape Seed Oil -- is readily absorbed by the skin.  It is very high in antioxidants and can have anti-aging benefits.
     Beeswax -- this creates the consistency of the salve.  It provides a light, protective barrier on the skin to help expedite healing without clogging pours.

Dump your oils and your beeswax granules into your pot.  Set the heat to low.  You don't want to overheat this as it will diminish the healing properties of your ingredients.  Slowly melt the beeswax.

Once the beeswax is completely melted, remove the pot from the heat.

 Add your essential oils, extracts and any other ingredients you are using.
I used:
 Lavender Oil -- is antiseptic, controls the production of sebum, stimulates circulation to the skin, assists in healing, and helps rejuvenate the skin.  It is used to treat acne, cuts, burns, sunburn, inflammation, psoriasis and wrinkles.
Bee Propolis_-- can be used topically for skin problems ranging from abrasions to eczema, acne, bruises, and burns.
Grapefruit Seed Extract -- (not to be confused with Grape seed extract, which is also great for the skin) is used here as a preservative.  It is antibacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal.
 Vitamin E Oil --  Is used as a preservative.  It is wonderfully healing, softening and prevents scarring.
I was out of Vitamin E today.

 Pour the mixture into your jars.  If they are cold, you should heat them up a bit first to avoid breaking the glass.  You can just run them under hot tap water and dry them well.  They will set up as they cool.
Mine looks green because of the herbal infusion.  
If you used regular oils, yours will look creamy yellowish white as it hardens.

Once your salve is cool, it's time to put on the lids.  Your all done.  
Any clean up can be done with hot soapy water.  

 If your hands or feet are very dry, you can slather this on thick and cover with cotton gloves or socks.  Leave those on for an hour or two (or overnight, if you wish).  This is amazing at healing cracked, dry skin.  We use this for everything.  It is our hand and body lotion, it is our diaper rash ointment and it is my facial moisturizer (I apply it to clean skin and allow it to soak in for a few minutes while I do something else -- there is always something else that needs my attention anyway.  Then I blot off any excess before applying make-up.  If you are used to lotion, this feels a little different.  But the benefits make it worth the switch in my eyes.)  I have even been told that this heals burns.  Enjoy!


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