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Motivated Moms -- A Review


Are you, well, you know, not motivated?  I mean, you like a clean house and you know you should clean yours, but there are a million other things to do first, like sit on the couch with a bag of potato chips and watch TV.  Somebody's got to eat those chips before they go stale, right? But then you crawl in bed each night (if you can even find the bed) feeling like you didn't accomplish much.  Motivated Moms chore planning system is looking out for you.  With multiple versions of their ebook planners and even iOS and Android apps, they have done the thinking for you when it comes to getting the housework done.  I have been reviewing a Motivated Moms Ebook Planner the last six weeks, so fasten your seat belts, cowgirls.  I'm about to take you on a whirlwind tour.

Motivated Moms is great for people who want to take a long-term approach to getting and keeping the house clean.  You won't find huge chores that take a long time here.  Instead, Motivated Moms gives you organized baby steps for each day of the week.  Instead of "Clean out the refrigerator" which tends to get bumped down the list at our house, Motivated Moms tells you to "Clean refrigerator drawers."  Just the drawers.  Bite size.  But if you do these chores consistently, your house will gradually get cleaner and cleaner.

If your mother-in-law is coming over this weekend with her white glove treatment, you might want to wait on Motivated Moms and do some serious spring cleaning before she arrives.  Or just ignore her and enjoy life.  This system won't get your entire house clutter-free in four hours or less, but it will help you stay on track all the time, not just when company is coming.  Imagine a house that is always company ready.

Motivated Moms helps you keep track of those chores that seem so easy to forget, too, like cleaning light fixtures and cleaning out the vehicles (it even reminds you to clip the kids nails so you don't arrive at xyz special event, look at their hands and pass out).  But it does even more than that.  In the sidebar, it lists the chores that need to be done daily or your house will sink into chaos -- things like making beds, feeding pets and cooking dinner.  Depending on which version you choose, you can also keep track of your daily Bible reading, so that the inside of you will be as clean as the inside of your house.

Motivated Moms Review
This is the ebook style I chose.
It has daily chores, household chores and Bible reading.
There are other styles to choose from as well.

A lot of people these days might prefer the app, but I'm an out of sight, out of mind kind of gal.  I need my chore list to lay on the table taunting me.  If I put it on my phone, I have to remember to check it.  I know myself.  I won't check and the chores won't get done.  I chose the Weekly Chore Planner with Scheduled Bible Reading.  The ebook is super simple to download.  If you haven't done that sort of thing before, just follow the directions and you'll be printing in no time.

I printed up the ebook pages and put them in a clip board.  I look at the chores for each day and decide which of my kids will do which chores (delegation at its finest).  Because this system is broken into small bites, it is great for using with kids.  I just write the household chores from Motivated Moms on their chore boards (remember them?).  The kids still do their AM and PM chores, but now it is easier for me to see which household chores need to be done each day.

On days when you just can't get it all done, don't worry.  It happens to all of us.  I either move that chore to another day or skip it this time around.  Motivated Moms has repetition built in. That means that if the refrigerator drawers didn't get cleaned this time, it will come around again soon. Our schedule can get really crazy as we try to juggle home, ministry, home school and extra-curricular activities, so we have to be very flexible.  One reason I chose the weekly planner was that I could cross things off as we managed to get them done.  If a chore didn't get done on Monday, I can still see that it needs done when we have more time on Thursday or Friday.  Because I can still see it, I can easily move it to a day that works better for us.  In that way, I have been able to tailor the system to our wild schedule.  Repetition and flexibility.  What could be better?

So, if you really want a smooth system to a clean house, but you aren't sure where to start, Motivated Moms might be just what you're looking for.  The planner only costs $8.00 for a full year of chore organization, and you can print it out as you need it.  There are multiple versions to choose from, so you're sure to find one that's right for you.

Have a great day!!


P.S.  To read more reviews about Motivated Moms, including the other ebook options and the iOS app, click below.

Click to read Crew Reviews

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