02 03 Gallimaufry Grove: Lazy, Crazy Summer 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Lazy, Crazy Summer


Is the summer speeding by for you?  It is for us.  I looked up and BAM, June is almost over.  How does it happen?

When I was a very little kid, it seemed like the summers stretched forever.  Day after day of lazy sunshine, buzzing bees and day dreaming in the weeping willow tree.  There were lots of books, too, and drawing, writing, swimming and more day dreaming.  And don't forget chasing the fireflies.  And flashlight tag.  It was heaven.

Now, I still enjoy my summers.  But I use them very differently.  I stay busy getting on top of all the jobs that didn't get done during the school year, planning next school year and working hard to make sure my kids have the lazy, playful summer I remember.

What did you like best about your summers as a kid?  And what do you use your summers for now?

Have a wonderful, lazy summer weekend!

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