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How to Make Your Own Almond Milk


If, for whatever reason, you do not use dairy then you have no doubt heard of Almond Milk as a dairy alternative.  And with good reason.  It is easy to assimilate, it is high in protein and the type of fat it contains actually assists in the regulation of cholesterol.  It is also high in minerals and very alkalinizing, so it is nourishing and helps maintain a proper pH balance in your body.

Sometimes I like to use Almond Milk (it makes a mean oatmeal, by the way), but have you ever looked at the ingredient list on the store-bought stuff?  There are things in there that I can't pronounce.  I try to stay away from "health food" that contains more chemicals than my son's chemistry lab.  I figure God knew what He was doing when He made the food we needed to fuel our bodies.  I'll stick as close as I can to what He made, thank you very much.

But have no fear -- you can make your own!  It's easy, you will know exactly what's in it, and it's cheaper to boot.  It's yummy, too.  Life is good!

If you want to try your hand at making some Almond Milk, I will show you how:

First, you will need to soak your almonds.
Cover 1/2- 1 cup whole, unroasted, unsalted almonds with warm, filtered water.
Add 1/4 tsp. sea salt.
Let stand overnight or for about 8 hours.

Drain the soaked almonds and rinse well.  Place in your blender.
Add 2 cups boiling, filtered water.
Let stand for 30 minutes.

Add to the blender:
1/8 tsp sea salt
1-2 Tbsp honey (I use one, but if you like it sweeter, definitely add more)
1/2 tsp real vanilla extract
additional water to fill blender to the 4 1/2 cup mark

Blend until smooth -- about 3 minutes.  
It turns from water and almonds to frothy white Almond Milk like magic!

Prepare a pitcher or bowl by draping a fine mesh cheese cloth or other unbleached fabric over top.  Make a dip in the center for the milk to pour in.

 Pour the milk slowly through the straining cloth.

Lift the corners of the cloth and begin twisting above the milk until all the liquid is pressed through.  Keep twisting until only a very dry pulp remains.

As an added bonus, you can dehydrate the remaining pulp to make almond flour -- just in case you want to go gluten-free, too.  Or you can just toss it.  I promise not to tell.

What you have left is a lovely, white Almond Milk.  You can use it in any way you would use dairy milk.  Pour your Almond Milk into a jar, seal and refrigerate.  It keeps for about one week.

There you have it.  Fresh Chemical-free Almond Milk, right from your own kitchen!

Have a great day!!



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