02 03 Gallimaufry Grove: DIY Peacock Tea Tray 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

DIY Peacock Tea Tray


What do you like to do to relax?  Some people like to golf, some people like to fish, some people like to spend all their money shopping.  I like to make things. 

I told myself I was going to carve out more time for creativity this summer, but my summer is already running away without me.  Sigh...  Part of the problem is that I also made a commitment to sleep.  I don't get nearly as much done when I actually go to sleep at night.  Sleep makes me feel great, but it doesn't do much for my overloaded to-do list.  So what can a girl do when there's...er...TOO MUCH to do?  I could have been all productive and tackled that to-do list, but I decided to make a paper airplane with my to-do list and create another tea-tray instead. 
 It felt good.

And now I get to look at this every day:

You should know that I liked peacocks before peacocks were cool.  Maybe one day I'll even get myself a real one.....  Now that would be cool....

If you want to know how I made this lovely little tea tray, I made a tutorial for my last tea tray.  I made this one the same way.  I even used the same site for my graphics, because when you find a good thing, why change?  The only thing I did differently was these awesome handles:

I just grabbed a piece of twine, tied it on the handle and wrapped it tightly.  Then I knotted the other end.  Easy.  I really like the effect, don't you?

Summer is going to be good...

Have a great day!


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