I know, I know. I was supposed to give you guys a refashion because I've been lame and haven't done one in a couple weeks. Boo for me. I have a stack of thrift store finds just waiting for me to drag them from oblivion into awesomeness, but I just...didn't. Why? No real reason. I was just too busy doing cool and amazing things like being a mom to my kids and feeding them (it's just one of those things moms do). And taking down the Christmas decor. And (unsuccessfully) unstopping toilets. And crashing on the couch because I wore myself out.
I know. You want my life, don't you?
I consoled myself for my lack of eye popping refashioning by telling myself that you were too busy gazing at your Christmas lights and blowing your New Year's party horn to notice my lameness. And then I go and point it out to you. In public. Online. Sigh...
Maybe next week, right?
Anyway, while I was not doing a refashion, I was looking for an easy to follow Bible Reading Chart that was a little different than what I have done in the past. I have done lots of different systems over the years. I've done everything from just starting in Genesis and reading straight though in a short period of time (sometimes a month, sometimes 3 months, depending on how much I read each day), to reading a chapter from the Old Testament and a chapter from the New Testament (and repeating the New Testament) until I finished (that takes longer than a year, btw). I've done the One Year Bible in multiple translations and the One Year Chronological Bible, but I never feel like I can get into a flow with that method. Just when I'm getting into the flow of the storyline, it is time to switch to the next reading for the day. And the charts for that style of Bible reading give me a headache. (Don't be offended if that's your favorite. I'm glad you read your Bible, regardless of how you do it. I'm just being difficult.)
This year, as I was perusing all the different plans available online, I stumbled across one that appealed to my need to stay in a reading flow AND my need for a nice, clean looking chart. This plan assigns each day of the week to a form of Bible books. On Sundays, you read from the Epistles, on Mondays you read from the Law books, one Tuesdays you read the History books, on Wednesdays you read from the Psalms and so on. This chart is lovely to a girl who needs a little orderly spot in a chaotic life. It even has little check boxes so you always know right where you are. It's perfect.
I keep the chart, a pen and paper and the Bible I'm using for my daily Bible reading next to where I take off my make-up. Taking off my make-up is something I do every single day, so it makes sense to make my daily Bible reading part of that routine. I know there are some people out there who believe you aren't truly Godly unless you read in the morning. I am of the belief that if more Christians would read their Bibles at all, we would have a better world. I don't quibble about when they choose to read it.
Besides, the Bible is a major part of my family's life. I have another Bible that I use in the mornings when I am praying for our family, our church people, our nation and whatever else the Lord lays on my heart. Then there is my Bible time with my kids at the beginning of our schooldays. And the Bible time while I'm preparing to teach our church's Prayer School. It's just that reading through the Bible from cover to cover works best for me at night. Don't judge me, 'kay?
And if you don't read the Bible that much, don't judge yourself either. Start small and build your appetite for more over time. We have a simple Bible reading program for our church that only takes about 5 minutes a day, so it's a perfect way to get into the habit of daily Bible reading. If you start reading Matthew 1 on January 1 and just read one New Testament chapter each day, Monday through Friday, by the end of the year you will have read the entire New Testament. On weekends, you can either read whatever you have on your heart, or use them as catch up days if you get behind. Simple.
If you decide to use the 52 Week Bible Reading Plan, it starts this Sunday (or really, any Sunday you want to start). Just print it up and prepare for your best year ever.
Have a great day!
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