Monday, November 26, 2012

Running Tip of the Day...

I was wondering why I wasn't progressing as quickly as I would like in my morning runs.  It just seemed like my endurance was building a lot more slowly than it should.  So finally, I googled it.  Because that is what we Americans do when we don't know something.  I typed "When does running get easier?"  The response I got amazed me.  As I read through blogs, articles and running forums the answer was clear.  If it isn't getting easier, you are running too fast.

What?  Too fast?  I thought I was supposed to RUN.  Like the wind.  Fast and furious.  But these people who were telling me to slow down were experienced runners.  They were 1/2 marathon and marathon runners, triathlon runners, people who run 10 or more miles a day. They know what they are talking about.  I decided I would do my run this morning, but I would slow it down.

I cut my speed about in half.  The fact that I could cut my speed in half with out slowing down to a walk should tell you something about how fast I was running.  But then, the only previous running experience I have was when I was a kid.  And kids run wide open.

My results?  I pulled off my run with relative ease.  I could have gone further.  It was actually enjoyable.  I looked at the scenery as I ran by.  It didn't take all my concentration just to keep breathing and not pass out.

So my Running Tip of the Day:  
You don't have to run like someone is chasing you for it to qualify as a run.

Unless of course, someone is chasing you.  In that case, you should go ahead and run wide open.  And use your cell phone to call for reinforcements.


If you are a runner, do you run wide open?  Or do you pace yourself?  Do you run "ladders"? Or do you just go with what your body is telling you?  Leave a comment and help out a beginner.

Have a great day!



  1. I love running! I have always had this craving for it. I usually walk now because I'm out of shape and would probably hyperventalate if I ran a quarter of a mile... But working on it!
    So, when I have was more like a jog.
    But, that is not really helping your question. I'm just excited to hear running tips.
    And now...I have the funniest picture in my head of you running past your neighbors, covered in layes....lightning fast. lol.
    Glad you enjoyed it when you slowed down. lol

  2. Ha! Yeah, I was having a hard time not laughing as I bolted past their houses in so many clothes. Can't wait until it starts snowing here. That will be a sight to behold...


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