I have been using those recipes for a month or so now (and using my teenage daughter as a second guinea pig), and I am finally ready to let you guys in on all the awesomeness.
I'm not a multi-level marketing fan, and I sure don't want to get involved in the Great DoTerra vs. Young Living Wars. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, consider yourself blessed, but it's probably time for you to move out of that isolated cave you've been living in.)
I do, however, want therapeutic grade essential oils. Enter my new favorite online store, Edens Garden. They sell therapeutic grade essential oils as singles and blends, as well as carrier oils, etc. They are NOT a multi-level marketing scheme. They are just a regular store. Their prices are the best I've seen for quality oils, and I can tell you, the oils actually work.
If you are a Young Living or DoTerra rep, please don't slam my comments with advertisements or with assurances that YOUR brand is the only truly therapeutic brand. If you have done your research, you will know that there is no government or industry standard that constitutes what "therapeutic" actually is. That means that EACH COMPANY decides it's own standard. (Kind of self serving, huh?) I could squeeze a lemon, call it therapeutic and charge $20 for it.... (on second thought, maybe I should try that...)
I want oils that truly work at a decent price and that I can purchase without signing my life away or alienating all my friends by constantly trying to sell them something. Don't hate me.
Before you tell me that Edens Garden can't be therapeutic, let me just say that I have been using Edens Garden Essential Oils topically, in baths, in cleaners and diffused, and they are wonderful. They work. (And, no, I'm am not an affiliate, although I should be since I sound like a free commercial.)
But feel free to use your favorite brand. I won't judge.
But, what you really want is my All-Natural Skin Renewing Miracle Oil, right?
Without further ado:
Skin Renewing Miracle Oil
Gather your supplies and prepare to be pampered. In less than a week, this oil cleared up a break-out, reduced wrinkles, cleared up black-heads and actually reduced the size of the pores around my T-zone. It even made a skin tag fall off. I kid you not. And that was just me.
I handed it to my teenage daughter who was in the throws of one of the worst breakouts she's had.(She doesn't always take my skin-care advice, or it might not have been so bad. What can I say?) There was a noticeable improvement in her skin within HOURS. Not days - hours. This stuff deserves its name.
I bought all the ingredients at Edens Garden (not yet an affiliate) and Mountain Rose Herbs (affiliate link in sidebar because I'm too lazy to put it here. If you want to support this blog, you can click there and an they will pay me an itsy bitsy bit of change for the referral -- no charge to you.)
Creativity creates messes.
1/2 cup Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
1/2 tbsp Sea Buckthorn Oil
1/2 tbsp Tamanu Oil
1/4 cup Jojoba Oil
25 drops Lavender Essential Oil
5 drops Vetiver Essential Oil
15 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil
10 drops Palmarosa Oil
To Make: Mix together. Put in a jar. Label. Done.
(This will solidify in a cool room, so choose your jar wisely. My bottle neck jar would have been fine in the summer when my bathroom is warmer. In the winter, though, this oil solidifies. It doesn't get hard, but it won't pour either. It isn't really a big issue. I just use a longish stick to scoop some out or make sure the lid is on tight and run some hot water over the bottle to re-liquify it.)
How to Use:
For me:I use this to remove makeup and moisturize. Pour a quarter sized amount in your palm and massage in your skin in a circular motion (do not wet the skin first). Oil breaks down oil, so this breaks down skin oils and make-up. Next, wet a wash cloth with hot water and wring out. Place this hot wash cloth over your face and allow to cool. Do this a couple more times. This steams your skin and opens the pores. Then just use that warm wash cloth to remove the Miracle Oil, dirt and makeup. Once this is done, I rinse my face, dry it and reapply a thin layer of Miracle Oil to moisturize. I follow up with a few drops of Cleopatra Facial Drops (recipe coming soon).
For my teenage daughter: Her skin isn't as dry as mine. Often, people think you shouldn't use oil on oily skin. However, if you remove all your skin's natural oils, it will overcompensate by producing even more oil. It is a vicious cycle. I am currently planning a series on how to cure acne naturally -- I will get into more of this there. Anyway. Don't be scared of oil if you have oily skin or acne. There might be an adjustment phase while your skin figures out what to do, but then it will normalize.
So for my daughter, she uses this to cleanse her skin, just like I do. She follows up with my All-Natural Herbal Toner (which draws out impurities and treats acne). Then she puts a very light amount of Miracle Oil on her skin to moisturize and finishes up with the Cleopatra Facial Drops. At least, when she remembers...
And there you have it. A MLM rant and a fabulous skin care recipe all in one post. What could be better?
Have a great day!
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